restart; read ``: read ``: # Basic equation for the chem. potential mud # for y >= 1; z = -mud/y Eq := series(Fbe(z, 3/2), z, 4) = y^(-3/2)*Zeta(3/2); # we choose the substitution # y^(-3/2) -> 1 - x and z-> w^2 # and invert the series solw := solve(series(Fbe(w^2, 3/2), w, 7) = (1 - x)*Zeta(3/2), w): # then z := series(solw^2, x, 4); # because z = w^2 (z = -mu/theta); z:= convert(z, polynom): # for next evaluation # graf of mud=-z*y on y plot(If(y <= 1, 0, -y*subs(x = 1 - y^(-3/2), z)), y = 0..3); # calculation of dimensionless internal energy # per particle Ed, expansion of Fbe(z,5/2) in y Fy := subs(x = 1 - y^(-3/2), convert(series(Fbe(z, 5/2), x, 4), polynom)); # using the function If we can express energy for all y Ed := 3/2/Zeta(3/2)*y^(5/2)*If(y <= 1, Zeta(5/2), Fy): #heat capacity is (in units of k) C := diff(Ed, y): #and than we make graph of heat capacity plot(C, y = 0..3);