restart; read ``; # order of the problem N := 11; # floating-point precision Digits := 50; # interval [a, b] and weight function omega # (will result in Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind) a := -1; b := 1; omega := x -> (1-x^2)^(-1/2); # inner product iprod iprod := (f, g, x) -> int (f * g * omega (x), x=a..b): # define the three-term recurrence relationship of the # polynomials pi[k](x) alphahat := array (1..2*N-1): betahat := array (1..2*N-1): gammahat := array (1..2*N-2): for k from 1 to 2*N-1 do alphahat[k] := k; betahat[k] := 1; od: for k from 1 to 2*N-2 do gammahat[k] := 2; od: # constant polynomial pi[0] pi0 := 1: # compute the modified moments nu[k] pi := array (0..2*N-1): nu := array (0..2*N-1): pi[0] := pi0: nu[0] := int (omega (x) * pi[0], x=a..b): pi[1] := expand ((x * pi[0] - alphahat[1] * pi[0]) / betahat[1]): nu[1] := int (omega (x) * pi[1], x=a..b): for k from 2 to 2*N-1 do pi[k] := expand ((x * pi[k-1] - gammahat[k-1] * pi[k-2] - alphahat[k] * pi[k-1]) / betahat[k]): nu[k] := int (omega (x) * pi[k], x=a..b): od: # moment mu0 = iprod (1, 1, x) mu0 := nu[0] / pi0: # compute orthogonal polynomials SackDonovan (pi0, alphahat, betahat, gammahat, nu, N, 'alpha', 'beta'); # Lanczos (iprod, 'alpha', 'beta', N); print (map (combine, alpha)); # latex (map (combine, alpha)); # map (x -> evalf (evalf (x, 20), 5), alpha); print (map (combine, beta)); # latex (map (combine, beta)); # map (x -> evalf (evalf (x, 20), 5), beta); # compute the Gauss quadrature rule lprint (`Gauss quadrature rule`); Gauss (mu0, alpha, beta, N, 'x', 'w'); TestQuadratureRule (iprod, x, w, 2*N-1); # compute the Gauss-Radau quadrature rule, x1 = a lprint (`Gauss-Radau quadrature rule, x1 = a`); Radau (mu0, alpha, beta, N-1, a, 'x', 'w'); TestQuadratureRule (iprod, x, w, 2*N-2); # compute the Gauss-Radau quadrature rule, x1 = b lprint (`Gauss-Radau quadrature rule, x1 = b`); Radau (mu0, alpha, beta, N-1, b, 'x', 'w'); TestQuadratureRule (iprod, x, w, 2*N-2); # compute the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule, x1 = a, x2 = b lprint (`Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule, x1 = a, x2 = b`); Lobatto (mu0, alpha, beta, N-1, a, b, 'x', 'w'); TestQuadratureRule (iprod, x, w, 2*N-1);